

Rozszerzony zakres akredytacji Laboratorium Wzorcującego NDN!

Bardzo nam miło Państwa poinformować, że nasza akredytacja została rozszerzona o:

  • Mierniki mocy 1 – i 3- fazowe
  • Oscyloskopy do 20 GHz
  • Skopometry
  • Zasilacze do 1000 A (Prąd DC)
  • Wzorcowanie wyjazdowe zasilaczy (u klienta).

Uwaga: Dodatkowo obniżyliśmy naszą niepewność CMC!

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Zapraszamy na 2. edycję warsztatów EMC organizowanych przez NDN!

Zapraszamy na warsztaty teoretyczno-praktyczne poświęcone tematyce EMC organizowane przez firmę NDN. Warsztaty będą prowadzone przez przedstawicieli firm Tekbox i Rigol.

Data: 17.03.2025 r. g.9:00-17:00

Lokalizacja: ARCHE Hotel Puławska Residence, Puławska 361, Warszawa  

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NOWOŚĆ W NDN! Kamery termowizyjne Fortic

Kamery termowizyjne FOTRIC poprawiają efektywność inspekcji dzięki doskonałej jakości obrazu i wyjątkowej obsłudze. Mogą być wykorzystywane w różnych zastosowaniach, takich jak uszczelnianie dachów, izolacja ścian czy systemy HVAC. Kamery termowizyjne Fortic pozwalają podejmować lepsze decyzje dotyczące konserwacji, wykrywając problemy na wczesnym etapie. 

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ITECH seria IT-M3300 60V-300V 6A-30A 200W-800W Obciążenie elektroniczne ze zwrotem do sieci



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Obciążenie elektroniczne ze zwrotem do sieci ITECH IT-M3300

ITECH seria IT-M3300 60V-300V 6A-30A 200W-800W Obciążenie elektroniczne ze zwrotem do sieci

IT-M331260V30A200W1mV/10mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M332260V30A400W1mV/10mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M333260V30A800W1mV/10mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M3313150V12A200W10mV/1mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M3323150V12A400W10mV/1mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M3333150V12A800W10mV/1mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M3314300V6A200W10mV/1mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M3324300V6A400W10mV/1mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U
IT-M3334300V6A800W10mV/1mA<0.1% Imax+0.1%Icurrent /<0.1% UmaxOptional RS232/CAN/LAN/ GPIB/USB/RS485/external analog1/2U

 1U half rack, high power density
 Battery discharge test
 High efficient power regeneration
 8 operating modes CC/CV/CP/CR/CV+CC/CC+CR/CV+CR/CV+CC+CP+CR
 Independent control of multi-channels, implement synchronization or proportional tracking
 Parallel connection, up to 16 units
 High-speed measurement, keep 10 times / s update rate even connecting 16 stand-alone units
 Adjustable current rise/fall time
 List programming
 Various protection such as OCP/UCP/OVP/UVP/OPP, over heat protection, grid fault protection and fault storage, foldback,Power-off protection, sense abnormal protection
♦ Temperature measurement function, over temperature protection
 Automatic detection of power grid state to realize reliable grid connection
 Precharge function to prevent overshoot of DC loading current
 Anti-reverse protection function by optional IT-E118
 Five optional interfaces, supporting RS232, CAN, LAN, GPIB, USB_TMC, USB_VCPRS485, analog and IO communication


1U half rack, mini size

IT-M3300 has mini size of 1U half rack and is able to output 800W. It has not only the high density but also the high resolution, accuracy, stability and etc. The output voltage can reach 600V and the output current can reach 30A. There’re 12 models for IT-M3300 series, with design of wide range output, with one unit,
it can cover a wide range of application requirements.

Module design, flexible combination

IT-M3300, with module design, without additional spare parts, it can be stacked as easy as the toy bricks. With IT-E154 rack installation kit, users can easily install one or multiple instruments into a standard 19-inch cabinet.


High energy recovery efficiency

IT-M3300 has energy recovery function, which can feedback power back to local AC grid. The regeneration efficiency can be up to 90%, which greatly reduces the user's electricity cost. It also avoids the using of cooling systems and reduces noise.



Electricity accumulation, high energy saving effect

IT-M3300 uses power electronic conversion technology to recycle the output energy of the power supply under test under the premise of completing the test power experiment. Through the internal high-speed voltage and current sampling, the user can directly view the current total amount of feedback on the
instrument panel.
The IT-M3300 is equipped with temperature measurement function as standard. With an optional temperature sensor, you can also directly view the external measurement temperature.



Multi-channel independent control, maximum 256 channels

IT-M3300 series is provided with independent multi-channel design.The channel sequence will be displayed when it combines to be a multi-channel electronic load system. The user can control each unit independently by GUI software when connecting the communication interface of one unit with PC. Each channel can be operated separately.
IT-M3300 series supports maximum 16*16 channels. One 37U rack contains 64 channels. The user may test DUT with different power ranges by parallel connection, making tests more flexible and device usage more efficient.



Battery simulation

Battery charger will monitor the voltage of battery after battery charger is connected to battery, If the connection is correctly, the battery charger comes into charge state. In Battery Sim mode, users can set analog voltage of battery, and can output low current, to simulate battery state. It can satify working demand of battery charger, which can be applied to discharging test of battery charger.




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