Ohm-Labs 200 series forms a family of resistance standards designed primarily for laboratories as a standard to provide resistance at the 1Ω- 10MΩ level. In accordance with the latest manufacturing techniques, each unit is individually packaged, a low temperature coefficient of resistance is ensured during the manufacturing process, and long-term stability of the unit is ensured. The standards are hermetically packed to ensure high resistance to changes in atmospheric pressure and relative humidity. All models have a unique calibration report that includes temperature coefficient measurements. The 200 series is optimized for near-zero temperature coefficient at ambient temperatures of 20, 23 or 25℃according to customer requirements.
Values T denote thermometer, while Q denotes use with quantum Hall system. Special values are available upon special customer request.
2 types are produced. Up to 1000 Ω, the connection is provided through terminals, which should be realized as a 4-wire connection. Over 1000 Ωare terminals and a pair of coaxial BPO connector, for providing 2-wire, 4-wire, or protective standards connection.
Models with resistance up to 1000Ωcan use a thermometer for temperature monitoring. And above this value, a 10K thermistor is included to monitor temperature changes.
Detailed specifications can be found in the "Downloads" tab.