DL-9601 is a 7999 digital data logger. It allows you to set the acquisition time from 1 s to 99 h. The device is adapted to work with LUTRON microprocessor instruments.
The data stream is received via RS232 interface from:
The device is powered by a battery. When the battery low indicator lights up, the input data will be stored into memory automatically without loss. The data memory will be erased when the battery voltage drops below about 3V. Therefore, after the discharge indicator lights up, transfer the data to the computer as soon as possible.
Connecting the DL-9601 data logger with LUTRON instruments (digital multimeters and microprocessor-based instruments) with built-in RS-232 connector allows the DL-9601 to store up to 7999 measurement data, with a set recording time from 1 second to 99 hours.
After the DL-9601 has stored the expected data (collection: xxx.dat), the logger must be connected to a computer and the data loaded into it. Transferring the data to the computer allows the use of application programs, such as: Lotus123 or Excel, to record and analyze them.
Lutron RS232 cable with photo-insulation